Critical Debrief, LLC
A Video Series on Public Policy
Video interviews for a new public policy media portal

Ken Feinberg, the well-known attorney and expert in alternative dispute and complex compensation, founded in 2012 to provide a forum for analyzing and debating the most important public policy and legal issues of our time.

Episode 8: Ken Feingold interviews Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
Various formats were employed to explore these issues: interviews, panel discussions, lectures and informal conversations. Interviewees and panelists included Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Former Senator Alan Simpson, well-known attorneys Alan Dershowitz and David Boise among many others.
Working with Design Director, Edwin Schlossberg, MediaCombo’s Michael Owen developed the look and feel of the video interviews, panel discussions and lectures that were produced over 12 shoot-days at different locations in New York and Washington, DC. MediaCombo also provided editorial services for the video content used in the prototype.
In an age of polarizing sound bites and superficial discussion, Critical Debrief strives to bring clarity and thoughtful debate to complex public policy/legal issues in an unbiased and balanced manner, inviting experts to advocate their opinions.

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