Immerse Yourself in Virtual Reality at Lake Baikal
Share this enormous frozen lake with bathers, bicyclists and truck drivers in 360º video

To capture footage of Lake Baikal's geography and diverse cultures for a 360º documentary.
Concept Development Spatial Audio 360º Video
Best Full Dome Film at the 16th Baikal International Festival “People and Environment”
Press Coverage

MediaCombo principal Michael Owen, went to Russia to capture footage for a virtual reality impressionistic documentary about Lake Baikal, the deepest and largest body of liquid fresh water on Earth, while shooting three Google Expeditions for Google’s educational program. His team used a 12-camera rig to capture the full 360º experience.

This was the first attempt to tell a story about the lake using 3D 360° video, truly the best medium for such a mysterious, awe-inspiring landscape. It allowed us to combine the immersive, emotional experience of VR with traditional documentary storytelling.
He produced a 7:00 minute VR experience about Lake Baikal in winter. When immersed in the film, viewers literally shiver with cold as they watch bathers a few feet away, stepping calmly beneath the immense icy surface of the lake for a quick dip. They are fully engaged as they find themselves in a magnificent Buddhist temple full of devoutly chanting monks.
This project has become a trailer for a much larger project focusing on Lake Baikal, the international effects of climate change and the threats to fresh water the world over. When global warming and pollution threaten 20% of the fresh water on our planet it isn’t a just a Russian conservation problem, it’s part of a looming crisis for all humanity.
Lake Baikal: The Science and Spirituality of Extreme Water launched in December 2016 at the IDFA Crossmedia Forum in Amsterdam. Since then it has been screened at film festivals from Berlin to Cannes to Dubai, and was recently winner of Best Full Dome Film at the 16th Baikal International Festival “People and Environment”.
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