New York Hall of Science
Signs of Life Beyond Earth
A video on life on other planets

If you were looking for signs of life on another planet, what would you look for? We asked kids from the New York Hall of Science’s After School Science Club to help us answer that question.

Exhibit Planner Rita Hoffstadt designed an activity to guide the children in their discoveries and come up with a list of basic characteristics that define life. It’s not easy! Even scientists have a hard time agreeing on a definition.
We organized a 3-camera shoot in the Museum’s science lab to document the kids’ discovery process, and created animated graphics to illustrate the three traits that scientists agree are shared by all life. The 5-minute program is an MPEG2 file that plays on an Adtec Edje player, with a silent attract loop.
Robin White Owen, Producer Scott Sinkler, DP Samantha Orme, Animation
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